Googling Plan B

Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Day's Catch

Interesting Reads:

The last two were shared by J from here.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Reality Check

I woke up with all the best intentions. I said I wanted to:
  1. Read the tax return rules
  2. Buy tickets
  3. Find a qipao top as a gift
  4. Buy chocolates
  5. Finish packing the box
  6. File tax, credit card
  7. Fill out visa application form
  8. Pack for the trip
  9. Call the clinic
  10. Email (ff-up on feedback)
  11. Drop the forms into the mailbox
It's nearly the end of the day, and I've only done the ones in green. Help!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Does anyone want to give me a free subscription to

Okay... even just one edition weekly?

My guilty pleasure is The Secret Agent.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The best 4 minutes of her life

Isabel Allende, working with women and for women.

Watch her talk about Passion for 20minutes. She is very witty.

"..growing up in a patriarchal family, I learned to deliver two blows for every I blow received.
"Feminism is outdated for privileged women.
"Feminism is never thought of as sexy, but it has never stopped me from flirting."

Monday, February 23, 2009

5 situations I find myself in...

1- Being the youngest person in the room.

What do I do? I do as he says --specially on the topic of children. Fortunately, I have cousins who are waaaaay younger than I am so they serve as my contribution to the children convo.

2- Being in a bad economy.

Ryan Healy say it's really a time to re-think many things we've become comfortable with.

3- Screwing up --like not printing that e-ticket!

Ryan Paugh says think first, don't give lame excuses.

4- Being woman (and sometimes being the only woman)

Craving for security makes us less secure
says Eve Ensler

5- Having that old, discarded Trauma

Expectations that cause trauma is very good material
says Amy Tan in a very funny speech.

The Brain In Love

A talk by Helen Fisher, biological anthropologist.

A short story on the MRI's of brains of 37 people.

-Proof of romantic love is everywhere ---proof of its absence has not been found anywhere.
-Almost nobody gets out of love alive
-The Poem on love: Fire runs through my body with my love for you

Friday, February 20, 2009

a few decades and counting...

I thought I'd have a family of my own when I got to be 24 --How? Well, just that it happens. Miraculously. And in my mind, it was so clear, my son (see? my child is not so specific...) would be share the same astrological year sign --because it's lucky.

Now I'm XX and I am wondering why my life didn't turn out that way.

I find out I am far from being alone. My favorite career coach's story is like mine. She says so are many, many others.

I have not yet decided to be a customer of sperm banks. Wait, no, I have not decided. Period.

Network using your contacts without making them feel used

Important Tip

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Your parachute?

How many have a back-up plan?

Or just getting it ready? Today, I found even more help.

Here, here, and here. These cover the basics of what to do immediately (the short term), how to narrow down your choices (after all too many choices isn't really good for you --I have to find the freakonomics link for this), and gain the confidence to introduce yourself.

And to start my day right, I'm going to wear nice clothes.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Schmoozing --it's not what you think!

Guy Kawasaki's guide to schmoozing and it's definitely way better than I thought it would be. I didn't even want to click on this link ---but after reading it, I just felt I had to share it.

Specially #8 and #9.

Monday, February 16, 2009

LinkedIn Woes

I am trying to log into LinkedIn because there are supposed to be lots of ways this is going to be helpful :-)

However, I can't remember my password and the link to reset the password hasn't sent me the link to reset it yet. It has been a bit over 2 hours now.

Is that because so many people like me are updating their profiles?

And I'm even doing this on Monday --which is what TJ advised. Apparently, she says doing updates on career posts/sending out resumes on Monday morning is more effective than doing it on Friday night or on the weekend.

'm happy to pass on the message to LinkedIn folks.

24Hours later, still no reply.
I only got a confirmation that Customer Service has received my query.

Oops, after not getting any reply, I just cleared all my cookies --and now it works again. Whew!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Paying Post Affiliate

Payment for posts?

I'm trying this out and will post more on how it goes later.

Advertise on blogs

Friday, February 13, 2009

When you need a helping hand...

I'm glad I found Penelope's blog eons ago. When I'm down to my last idea, I go and read Penelope's advice.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Mount Takao

Spent the day hiking and did trails 1, 5, and 6.

Took the lift (a 12min ride) instead of the cable car (6min ride) and closed my eyes half the time! Btw, the cable car is more like a cable bus at this place!